Every few weeks I need to get my INR tested to make sure that the warfarin I take is keeping my blood thin enough so that clots don’t form on my mechanical heart valve.  The valve is what makes Ticking Boy tick.  I have to go in to my doctor’s surgery so the nurse can take a blood sample and they usually call the next day to inform me of the results. They also usually ask me to come back on specific afternoons when the phlebotomist is in.  I understand they want everyone to come in at the same time but most other people on warfarin are older and retired and might not have things on of an afternoon but I do!  So we go through an appointment booking dance each time and it frustrates me.  So this time I channelled that frustration into creating a little strip, it’s a bit rough as I did it in about 15 mins but I think that gives it some energy and charm.  I also used Wally Wood’s 22 panels as reference to put some variety into the strip as it only has one person in it, which added to the fun.

inr 72thresh


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